Friday, June 16, 2017

Class 2A: Step 2: Practical 2.01

It will be the last practical stage before taking evaluation test.

The instructor will bring you all out for 3 rounds of lap.
Always pay attention and remember where to go.
After few rounds of lap, the main focus will be S, Crank, E-Brake and Bump course.

For S, you need to exit before 11 seconds.
For Crank, you need to exit before 6 seconds.
For E-Brake, stop in between of white and yellow line (you'll see once you're there)
For bump, you need to exit after 6 seconds.

I won't be guiding for S, Crank and E-brake as it's the same as class 2B.
So for bump, it's almost the same as Plank.
Hold half clutch, 1/5 throttle, press foot-brake on and off, stand as tall as you can and both of your knee hug the tank.
Don't have to go over bumps too fast. Can take your time but not too slow as you will definitely fall out from bike or engine stall because too slow. (I passed at one go!)

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