Monday, October 10, 2016

Step 1: BTL -> BTP -> BTE -> BTT

Hi everyone, it's for those who are keen to learn Class 2B Motorbike. 
I enrolled in BBDC from the start of January 2016 and will be sharing my experiences here.
I'll keep it short and easier for you to read.

1. You can either enrol online from or at BBDC counter.
2. Attend BTL - Basic Theory Lesson (2 lessons. It's a must to attend.)
3. Apply BTP - Basic Theory Practice (Up to you how many times you want to take.)
4. Apply BTE - Pass Basic Theory Evaluation first before taking BTT.
5. Apply BTT - Basic Theory Test can take up to 1 month for available slot.

BTE - Passed on 5th Jan 2016
BTT - Passed on 26th Jan 2016

PS: I'll share my method to you how to pass BTT easily.
Firstly after you attended BTL, try to find a date to take 1 or 2 slots of BTP to remember every questions/answers as possible and then take BTE on the same date right after you finished BTP.

As for BTT, you can also take 1 slot of BTP first before taking BTT on same date if you want to pass well.

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