Monday, October 10, 2016

Step 3: Stage 1.01, 1.02, 1.03

After passing RTT, you can now start to apply Practical Stages from 1 to 5. Don't apply PDL yet first.

Things to wear:
1. Long sleeve shirt (Can also wear a pair of arm compression sleeves with short sleeve shirt.)
2. Slim/straight fit Jeans (No baggy jeans as it can get stuck with the chain.)
3. Gloves
4. Your own helmet or use from BBDC.
5. Wear elbow and knee pads from BBDC.
6. Shoes/Sneakers

Stage 1.01:
The instructor will be teaching you how to start engine, check brake lights with the right front lever and foot brake, check signal lights from left and right buttons, push a bike away from the stand, get into the bike, hold clutch fully and switch down to Gear 1 from N, open throttle abit first then release clutch slowly into half clutch and lastly, learn to brake smoothly in small circuit. If you're good enough, they will teach you to how to Gear up to 2. Make sure to use clutch well or the engine will stall. If engine stalls, keep calm and restart the engine. (I passed at one go.)

Stage 1.02:
The instructor will be teaching you how to Gear up to 3. Most importantly is to brake smoothly. Don't brake too hard. If you're good enough, he will bring you out to big circuit along with other motorists for few rounds up to Gear 3. Don't go too fast above 30km/h. Lastly, always keep looking over your left/right shoulder for blindspot before you open throttle. (I passed at one go.)

Stage: 1.03:
The instructor will be teaching you how to Gear up to 5. Go for a few rounds as warm up in Gear 3.
And after that, you must be in Gear 5 when going into the straight line and switch down to Gear 3 before the bend.
Then Gear up to 5 from 3 when going into the straight line. Sometimes you can't Gear up to 5 because of the motorists in front so remain at Gear 3 and brake smoothly at every rounds. (I passed at one go)

PS: If you are not sure, always ask the instructor or else they will think you have no intention to pass and will fail you. Then you have to retake again.

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