Monday, October 10, 2016

Step 1: BTL -> BTP -> BTE -> BTT

Hi everyone, it's for those who are keen to learn Class 2B Motorbike. 
I enrolled in BBDC from the start of January 2016 and will be sharing my experiences here.
I'll keep it short and easier for you to read.

1. You can either enrol online from or at BBDC counter.
2. Attend BTL - Basic Theory Lesson (2 lessons. It's a must to attend.)
3. Apply BTP - Basic Theory Practice (Up to you how many times you want to take.)
4. Apply BTE - Pass Basic Theory Evaluation first before taking BTT.
5. Apply BTT - Basic Theory Test can take up to 1 month for available slot.

BTE - Passed on 5th Jan 2016
BTT - Passed on 26th Jan 2016

PS: I'll share my method to you how to pass BTT easily.
Firstly after you attended BTL, try to find a date to take 1 or 2 slots of BTP to remember every questions/answers as possible and then take BTE on the same date right after you finished BTP.

As for BTT, you can also take 1 slot of BTP first before taking BTT on same date if you want to pass well.

Step 2: RTL -> RTP -> RTE -> RTT

Almost same as Step 1.

After passing BTT,
1. Attend RTL - Riding Theory Lesson (2 lessons. It's a must to attend.)
2. Apply RTP - Riding Theory Practice (Up to you how many times you want to take.)
3. Apply RTE - Pass Riding Theory Evaluation before taking RTT.
4. Apply RTT - Riding Theory Test can take up to 1 month for available slot.

RTE - Passed on 10th Feb 2016
RTT - Passed on 22th Feb 2016

PS: I'll share my method to you how to pass RTT easily.
Firstly after you attended RTL, try to find a date to take 1 or 2 slots of RTP to remember every questions/answers as possible and then take RTE on the same date right after you finished RTP.

As for RTT, you can also take 1 slot of RTP first before taking RTT on same date if you want to pass well.

Step 3: Stage 1.01, 1.02, 1.03

After passing RTT, you can now start to apply Practical Stages from 1 to 5. Don't apply PDL yet first.

Things to wear:
1. Long sleeve shirt (Can also wear a pair of arm compression sleeves with short sleeve shirt.)
2. Slim/straight fit Jeans (No baggy jeans as it can get stuck with the chain.)
3. Gloves
4. Your own helmet or use from BBDC.
5. Wear elbow and knee pads from BBDC.
6. Shoes/Sneakers

Stage 1.01:
The instructor will be teaching you how to start engine, check brake lights with the right front lever and foot brake, check signal lights from left and right buttons, push a bike away from the stand, get into the bike, hold clutch fully and switch down to Gear 1 from N, open throttle abit first then release clutch slowly into half clutch and lastly, learn to brake smoothly in small circuit. If you're good enough, they will teach you to how to Gear up to 2. Make sure to use clutch well or the engine will stall. If engine stalls, keep calm and restart the engine. (I passed at one go.)

Stage 1.02:
The instructor will be teaching you how to Gear up to 3. Most importantly is to brake smoothly. Don't brake too hard. If you're good enough, he will bring you out to big circuit along with other motorists for few rounds up to Gear 3. Don't go too fast above 30km/h. Lastly, always keep looking over your left/right shoulder for blindspot before you open throttle. (I passed at one go.)

Stage: 1.03:
The instructor will be teaching you how to Gear up to 5. Go for a few rounds as warm up in Gear 3.
And after that, you must be in Gear 5 when going into the straight line and switch down to Gear 3 before the bend.
Then Gear up to 5 from 3 when going into the straight line. Sometimes you can't Gear up to 5 because of the motorists in front so remain at Gear 3 and brake smoothly at every rounds. (I passed at one go)

PS: If you are not sure, always ask the instructor or else they will think you have no intention to pass and will fail you. Then you have to retake again.

Step 4 : Stage 2.01, 2.02

Stage 2.01:
The instructor will be teaching you two things;
1) Turn left/right nicely. Not too wide, not too near the kerb.
2) Apply Foot-brake at the middle of uphill when stopped after using front brake.

It was really struggling for me. I failed.
Took 2nd time and i passed.
Will tell you why i failed;
During in the middle of uphill, my bike stopped with foot brake nicely.
But before going up to the end of slope,
my bike kept stalling because i didn't dare to open more throttle.
Must open a little bit more throttle like 2/5, not 1/5 and hold half clutch.
And lastly remove foot-brake and your bike will go up.
I think i failed because i didn't eat breakfast that caused me have no energy!
It was 7:20am to 9am practical stage on Sunday, the only available slot for me.

Lastly, when going down the slope, you have to release both throttle and clutch then apply both front and foot brake nicely before the line.
Most importantly is to check blindspot before you turn left/right as well as on signal.

Stage 2.02:
The instructor will be teaching you about switching lanes and where to stop at right spot.
You have to ride to the correct lane that you want to turn left or right ahead.
Always switch on signal then check blindspot before turning and lastly, you must turn right/left nicely.
Most importantly it's all about blindspot often and turning have to be in perfect angle. (I passed at one go.)

Step 5 : Stage 3.01, 3.02

Stage 3.01:
The instructor will be teaching you 2 things, plank and pylon.
It's pretty easy if you relax your body and don't be nervous.

Plank -  
You have to be in Gear 1 and hold 3 things once you get up to the plank;
1) half clutch  2) 1.5-2/5 throttle  3) foot-brake

Once you are on the plank, press and hold foot-brake slightly, hold on to 2/5 throttle and
hold half clutch all the way until you exit the plank.
Do not release the throttle when you're on the plank.
You have to exit the plank after 6 seconds.
Most importantly is not to always look down on the plank as you will fall/go out of plank halfway.
Just take a quick look if you are about to go out of the plank in the middle.
Lastly, your legs must hold tight to the tank and relax your shoulders.
Move only the arms to balance the handlebar. (I passed at one go.)


Pylon - 
From Gear 1 at the starting point, go up to Gear 2 before you move on to the first cone.
Slowly release the clutch but hold on to both 2/5 throttle and foot-brake.
Try to maintain the same speed. Move only your shoulders to go left right left right.
And as usual, your legs must hold tight to the tank.
You have to exit the pylon before 6 seconds.
Don't go too slow as well as your bike may stall. (I passed at one go.)


Stage 3.02:
The instructor will be teaching you about E-Brake (emergency brake/foot brake on the wet road)
Do not press brakes too hard.
Look straight. Don't look down to the road or your bike as you may get nervous.
So from there, you will see 3 cones.
Starting line: Gear 1 in the queue. 
1st cone: You must be in Gear 2 and 20-25km/h (take a quick look at the speedometer)
2nd cone: You must be in Gear 3 and maintain 30km/h all the way (take a quick look at the speedometer)
3rd cone: You have to do 3 things on instant as possible:
1) Release throttle first then 2) Press foot brake and 3) front brake together.

So once you are about to stop within the e-brake box,
press clutch fully but don't Gear down to 1 from 3 first.
Only once you stopped within the e-brake box the press the pedal down to Gear 1 from 3.
Must also hold front brake at all time.
Lastly, check blindspots before you move off.
Most importantly is to keep body position up straight and your arms must hold firm to the handlebar. (I passed at one go.)

Step 6 : Stage 4.01, 4.02

Stage 4.01
The instructor will be reaching you 2 things, S and Crank course.

S course: Need to exit in less than 11 seconds.
Crank course: Need to exit in less than 6 seconds.

S Course:
Wait in the queue to go 1 by 1. Press left signal.
Before you move off, check left blindspot.
Once you are about to turn left to go into S course,
be in Gear 2, release clutch then maintain the same speed and press foot-brake all the way.
Do not open and close throttle during the S course.
So when you exit the S course, release both throttle and foot-brake when you turn left.
BUT brake, stop and Gear down to 1 only when you see incoming vehicles on your right.
Most importantly is never look down to the ground because you can't see ahead and you may hit the kerb.
So be sure to maintain the same speed and hold onto the throttle during the S course. (I passed at one go.)

Crank Course:
Same thing as S course.
Wait in the queue to go 1 by 1.
Press right signal and check right blindspot before you move off.
Be in Gear 2 before you turn right into the Crank course.
If you can do the S course well then you definitely can do the Crank course too.
It's all about turn right, go straight then turn left.
And one important thing that instructor told us,
always remember to look up to where you want to go BEFORE you increase your throttle. (I passed at one go.)

Stage 4.02
It's all stages that you practiced from 1.01 to 4.01.
Step 1. Lane change from Lane 1 to Lane 2.
Step 2. Go up and down slope.
Step 3. S and Crank Course (Be in less than 11 seconds for S and less than 6 seconds for crank)
Step 4. Plank and Pylon (Be more than 7 seconds for plank and less than 9 seconds for pylon)
Step 5. E-brake (Don't brake too hard and don't clutch in too early)

You will do few rounds each step as instructor want to make sure you do correctly.
Don't go to Step 2 yet until the instructor tell you.
Don't forget to do blindspot.
Very important as it can minus your demerit points if you fail to do so.
Keep calm and ride on. (I passed at one go) 

Step 7 : Stage 5.01, 5.02

Stage 5.01
The instructor will bring you to one full circuit lap which consist of:
1) Lane changing
2) Up and down slope
3) S and crank
4) Plank and pylon
5) E-brake
No timing involved which mean you can ride at your own sweet time.
The full circuit lap is for your Stage 5.02 circuit test route.
Very important to remember.

After that, you will be doing the pillion ride.
It means that you will get one partner to sit on your bike and you will ride one full circuit lap.
Don't worry if you ride out in the middle of the plank during pillion ride.
Better not let instructor sit on your bike or else you will hear all his nagging but it's for your own good.
After one full circuit lap, switch side which mean your pillion will be riding and you sit on his/her bike.
Until the instructor says stop,
he will bring you to the cross junction traffic light where you will be doing the U-turn.
I wasn't good at it for few times but after that i know what to do.
So during the U-turn, turn right to the middle and stop to check for incoming vehicles.
Then 2/5 throttle, hold half-clutch, shift the handlebar to right, slightly foot-brake,
your legs must hold tight to the tank and maintain the body balance.
Once you go straight, Gear up to 2 and release clutch after that. 
Don't worry if you aren't good at U-turn as you will be learning it again in Stage 6.01.
If you're not confident in one full circuit lap, you can take RC (Circuit Revision) before you take 5.02 circuit test route. (I passed at one go)

Stage 5.02 (Circuit Test)
It will be your circuit test route.
Must less than 12 demerit points overall to pass.
Firstly, the instructor will tell you to go for few rounds of circuit lap as warm up.
So from the starting point, you will have to go step by step:
1) Lane changing - Don't go too wide when turning.
2) Up and down slope - Careful not to stall engine or go backward.
3) S and crank - Not more than 11 seconds in S and not more than 6 seconds in Crank.
4) Plank and pylon - Not less than 6 seconds to exit plank and not more than 6 seconds to exit pylon.
5) E-brake - Don't brake too hard and only press clutch lastly when about to stop in 1 second.

Once the instructor say start test now,
you will have to go 1 row as instructor want to watch 1 by 1 to do his markings.
So if you're 2nd position above, just follow the 1st bike in front of you.
But remember to go 1 by 1 or wait for the instructor to call you to go in 5 steps.

Overall i had 8 points.
2 points - I made abit of left wide turning in junction after the slope.
4 points - I forgot to check right blindspot when i exited pylon. I think i turned my head slightly.
2 points - Poor acceleration (I was like what?! At least i didn't stall or acceleration too fast.)
Passed on 11th Apr 2016

Once you pass, you will receive:
1. Riding Assessment Checklist
(To check what are your demerit points)
2. Theoretical Circuit Training Programme
(To show to counter that you completed all Stage 1-5 before applying PDL)

Then you can start to book Defensive Riding Theory lesson 1.01, 1.02 and 1.03.
After that, you need to apply PDL.
PDL - Provisional Driving License that allow you to ride outside BBDC on the road with instructor/s for Stage 6 and above.
It costs $25 for 6 months valid. (I passed at one go)

Step 8 : DRTL and PDL

DRTL - Defensive Riding Theory Lesson
3 Lesson (1.01. 1.02, 1.03) - You must attend all in order to go for Stage 6.01.

PDL - Provisional Driving Licence
After you attended 3 lessons of DRTL, you can go to Counter 2 to apply for PDL.
Once you get PDL, please go down to Counter 1 to fill in the form.
It will take 1 working day to process before you are available to book Stage 6.01.

Step 9 : Stage 6.01

Stage 6.01
It will be your first Road Practical stage.
There will be 2 instructors, one in front and one at the back.

Oh yes, you will have to wear their helmet with bluetooth from BBDC.
The instructor will speak to you through bluetooth from the helmet.
You will know once you're there so don't bring your own helmet first.

Firstly, you choose a bike and check for, like fuel tank, signal lights, brakes and
how to tie raincoat & pants on the back's seat to make sure it was secured.
Then, you push the bike to other place where instructor bring you to and park the bike.
After that, you will go to the bench to get briefed on positioning like
how to be in a staggered position on a straight road and
also to give way to bikes when turning left or right.
So when the instructor in front, signaling to left, you all must signal to left and move in one row.
The same thing as signal to right.
But once the instructor switch off his signal,
you all must be in staggered position on one lane and 1-2 seconds rule.
You will go few rounds outside BBDC to get used to it before moving to next stage 7.01.
I can't remember where but you will pass by Bukit Gombak MRT Station, School and HDB flats.
Always remember to check left and right when approaching zebra crossing, traffic lights
and check blind spot before moving off.
At most you may speed up to 60-70km/h. (I passed at one go)

Step 10: Stage 7.01

Stage 7.01
It will be your 2nd and last road practical stage before going to Stage 8.01 final evaluation test.
It's all about independent riding in light and medium density traffic, u-turn, defensive riding, moving from 3rd lane to 1st lane after filter lane and reacting to hazards from zebra crossing.

So, same thing as Stage 6.01 where you choose and pick a helmet with bluetooth from BBDC, collect raincoat set, choose a bike then check everything from the bike like signals, brakes, fuel tank else before moving a bike to mini circuit. You will be practicing U-turn in the mini circuit. It's almost the same as Stage 1.01/1.02 about low speed.
During the starting point and half way U-turn, you must hold half clutch, open 1/5 throttle, press and hold foot-brake slightly then release brake after you are in straight line. Remain at Gear 1 in mini circuit.
Don't lean your body toward the handlebar.
You have to sit up straight and grip the fuel tank with both of your legs when doing U-turn.
Maintain the speed and try not to wobble.
After few rounds of U-turn in mini circuit, the two instructors will lead you out of BBDC.

It was my 2nd time doing Stage 7.01 road practical and i passed.
I failed the 1st time was due to failing to see green light turn right arrow and moving from 4th lane to 1st lane too fast :(

So from the exit of BBDC, wait in the line, check left blind spot once right side is clear before moving off. Then at the left filter lane, check right side to see incoming vehicles and move off once it's clear otherwise stop and wait at the line. Once it's clear, check left blind spot before moving off.
So from there, you will see 4 lanes. Remember to switch off your left signal and go straight for few seconds. 4th and 3rd are merging lanes. After you pass by the merging lane, you will see 3 lanes.
Then from there at 3rd lane, switch on right signal, check right mirror first, then check right blind spot before moving to 2nd lane.
You have to be in Gear 4/5 or 50-60km/h at least.
Then from 2nd lane, check right mirror first, check right blind spot before moving to 1st lane.
Once you're in 1st lane, switch off signal and try to slow down when approaching traffic light junction.
Then after the junction, switch on right signal and stop in the queue of U-turn.
So from the another side, there are 3 lanes.
You must only look at 1st and 2nd lane. Don't care about 3rd lane (slow speed lane)
Once 2 lanes are clear on your left side while facing another side, remember to check right blind spot before making U-turn. Do not look down to the ground when making U-turn as you may wobbles or feel nervous.

Hold half clutch, 1/5 throttle, hold and press foot-brake slightly and maintain the same speed in 1st lane. But if you go 2nd lane after U-turn, be calm and move to 1st lane but it may cost you 3-4 demerit points. So it's better for you to go to 1st lane properly while making U-turn.
Once you go straight in 1st lane, remove foot-brake and Gear up to 2 and 3.
Then switch on right signal and go to turn right lane when approaching the junction.
Stop at the 3rd line if it's red light or stop at the 1st line if it's green light and check for oncoming vehicles. After turning to right, check left side where there is left filter lane then switch signal from right to left, check left blind spot and slowly move to left lane from right lane as there are 2 lanes and lastly, stop before the bus stop line.

You have to wait for other riders and 2 instructors to arrive.
Once all arrived, you will follow the first rider who is instructor and there will be two zebra crossing.
Always slow down when approaching zebra crossing, check left and right side to see any pedestrians standing and stop before the zebra crossing line if pedestrians are waiting to cross.
At the last traffic light, turn left once pedestrians done crossing and you will pass by the petrol and BBDC. But it's not over. You have to ride few rounds.
At most 3 to 5 rounds if the traffic is light because at the U-turn, you have to wait quite long for the 2 lanes to be clear.

Step 11: Stage 8.01

Stage 8.01 Final Evaluation Test

It's better to take night slot, 9:20pm-10:50pm as there will be less vehicles on the public road outside BBDC.
Firstly, the instructor will tell you to ride 2 laps of circuit test route inside BBDC without slope, s and crank, plank, pylon and e-brake.
So after 2 laps, you will be on pair with 1 instructor as he will be watching and riding behind you on the public road.
You have to do Stage 7.01 and ride 2 times of public route as practice before going back to BBDC to take a break and wait for the real test.
If you're lucky, the instructor will tell you what are your mistakes from the public road.

There was 6 people including myself and i was the last person according to the tag number so i have to wait 2 by 2 by 2 to go first for about 10-15 minutes.

So, after waiting for my turn, the real test start now with 1 instructor watching you.
You will ride only 1 circuit test route:
1) Lane changing
2) Up and down slope
3) S and crank course
4) Plank and pylon
5) E-brake
Be calm and ride properly. Most importantly is to check blindspot.

After that, wait for your instructor to tell you to go out of public road outside BBDC.
It will be only 1 round of public road of Stage 7.01.
Be calm and ride properly. Most importantly is to check blindspot.

After the public road, you have to go back to BBDC and wait for instructor to tell you to go 1 round of circuit test route for fun while he fill in the Riding Assessment Checklist for your test.

So, for this Stage 8.01, you need below 18 demerit points to pass and process to book TP (Traffic Police Practical Test)

So anyway i got 12 demerit points. (I passed at one go.)
2 points - My foot-brake was early before entering S course.
2 points - I released throttle abit too early before reaching into E-brake box.
8 points - I didn't slow down and processed on amber light on public road (I felt it was too late to stop but the instructor told me to slow down early when approaching junction but i was already slowing down.)

After passing Stage 8.01, it will take more than 3 weeks for your TP available slot.
So within 3 weeks, you can either take SP (Self Practice) or RC anytime (Revision Circuit with instructor to correct you) while waiting for your TP. Good Luck!

Step 12: Traffic Police Practical Test

Stage : Traffic Police Test

There is only 1 timing in the morning: 7:50am.
Go scan your IC at lobby first then go to motorcycle's office to check your tag number.
The lowest the number, the faster is your turn.

You will also be given a clear plastic holder to put your IC and PDL inside then pass to instructor before you go for your warm up session.
The warm up session takes around 30mins-45mins.
It's about Lane changing, Slope, S and Crank course, Plank, Pylon and E-brake.

After that, park your bike then return back to motorcycle's office and wait for one Traffic police tester to take in charge of you. You will have to say your Name and IC number to make sure it's you.

So at around 9:30am, the traffic police practical test will start.
First #1 to #10 number to go first.
After 10-15 minutes, #11 to #20 numbers to go and so on.
There were #46 of us.
My number are #14 so i waited about 30 minutes for my turn.
You have to do it alone. You can't even follow a rider in front.

Anyway, very important is to wait for the TP tester to wave at you before you start riding off:
1: Starting Point
2: S and Crank Course
3: Plank (After plank, just go for pylon. No need to wait for TP tester to wave at you)
4: E-brake

Oh yes, the slope and S course, please keep to left lane.
For E-brake, keep to right lane.
But don't worry, the cone will be there to lead you which lane you have to stop at.

After E-brake, you will have to go out of public road to do Stage 7.01.
There will be about 4-5 TP testers at public road.
Try not to look at them as you have to pay more attention to the road, traffic and blindspot.
After public road, go to end point to park your bike and go to Level 3, classroom 4 at 11am.
The result will come out at 11:45am.

1 or 2 instructor will enter the classroom at 11:45am.
They will start calling your tag number.
So if your number is being called, it means that you fail and have to go to another classroom.
There were about half of class failed. So yes, i passed at one go!
You need below 20 demerit points to pass.

I have 12 demerit points.
4 points = Wobble when changing lane (Maybe my body posture looks wobble when i gear up to 2)
4 points = Wobble when negotiating bend (Maybe my body posture looks wobble when i gear up to 2)
2 points = Incorrect technique at E-brake (No idea what's wrong but i didn't stop after the red line)
2 points = Poor acceleration when moving off (Pull too much throttle as i was abit impatient. Have to move off slowly.)

After that, they will talk about ride safety, watch some videos and do the rider's pledge lastly.
At 12:05pm, you will be able to book Expressway Familiarization Ride (EFR) before you can be a qualified rider.
It will be either 1:20pm to 3pm or 3:20pm to 5pm.

Last Step 13: Expressway Familiarization Ride (EFR)

Stage: Expressway Familiarization Ride (EFR) - Last step!

You can book it only after you pass your TP on the same day.
There will be 2 instructors to guide you on expressway, 1 in front and 1 at the back.
Well, you don't have to worry when riding on expressway as long as you follow 1st instructor in front.
You will be riding to KJE, Discovery Centre, SAFTI, CCK and some areas that i can't remember.
It was really fun to ride in between 50-70km/h.

So after you ride back to BBDC, you will be given a completion of Expressway Familiarization Ride (EFR) paper from instructor.
Then you can start to apply for new licence at Level 2 counter.
Bring your passport photo size or get from photo booth in BBDC if you have no driving licence.
You will have to pay $50 by Nets and receive a temporary licence paper but don't worry, you can start to buy motorcycle and ride on same day.
After 1-2 weeks, your licence will be mailed to your house.

So, overall from Enrolment to EFR, excluding $25 PDL and $50 Licence, with 2 retook of practical stages during the 5 months, i spent the total up to $850 with 95% of peak hours otherwise it would be about $600/- with non-peak hours and no retakes :(

Good luck guys and i'll be back to blog for Class 2A after 1 year later.